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5th March 2024

So...After the races.....what's next?

  • February 23rd was a big day for SCAG.  

    • We held our first major fundraising event of the year, the Race Night at Queens Hall, which was sold out and raised a magnificent sum of £4,000.  It looked like everyone had a great time and many thanks to those that donated the prizes for the raffle.  

    • We submitted our response to the Regulation 19 version of the District Plan ahead of the 23rd of February deadline.  This response was sent in support of the Ansty Farm site remaining out of the District Plan and referenced updated versions of our experts' Landscape and Transport reports to evidence the reasons that this site needs to remain out of the District Plan.  

  • What's Next?

    • Mid Sussex District Council will submit their plan together with our evidence to the Government's Planning Inspectorate this spring.

    • The examination of the plan is due to happen in Summer/Autumn 2024. At this stage we know that Fairfax will lobby hard for the Ansty Farm site to be brought back into scope. It is our intention to have our own legal representation in the room to argue the case against this.

    • Legal representation does not come cheap. The Race Night was a good start but we will need much more. So the next phase of our campaign is to raise sufficient funds to give us the best possible chance of killing off the Fairfax plan for good.

  • To see our latest film click here

  • To make a much needed contribution to our campaign, please use the DONATE button — Thank You!

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